The code for this lecture is available in this archive.


Files are useful for permanency: when a program terminates, all the objects created, strings entered by the user, and even the messages displayed on the screen, are lost. Saving some information as files allows to retrieve this information after the program terminates, possibly using a different tool. Retrieving information from a file allows to continue works that was started by a different program, or to use a better-suited tool to carry on some task (typically, counting the number of words in a document).

This lecture is concerned with files: how to write into them, how to read from them, how to make sure that our program does not throw exceptions when dealing with “I/O” (read: input / output) operations? We will only consider textual files, with the .txt extension, for now.

Warm-Up: Finding a Correct Path

Each file has a (full, or absolute) path, which is a string describing where it is stored: it is made of a directory path and a file (or base) name. Paths are complicated because they can

  • Vary with the operating system (windows uses \ as a path separator, but macOS and Unix systems use /),
  • Vary with the user (windows store information in the C:\Users\<username>\ folder, that will change based on your username),
  • Vary with the language (windows calls the “Downloads” folder “Overførsler” in Danish),
  • Point to a folder that the current user is not allowed to explore (/root/ in Unix systems),
  • Not exist,
  • etc.

A fairly reliable way of handling this diversity is to select the folder /bin/Debug naturally present in your solution (it is where the executable is stored). We can access its directory path using:

    string directoryPath = AppDomain
      "Directory path is " + directoryPath + "."

On most Unix systems, this would display at the screen something like


To add to this directory path the file name, we will be using the Combine method from the Path class, as follows:

    string filePath = Path.Combine(
    Console.WriteLine("File path is " + filePath + ".");
⚠ Warning
Unless otherwise stated, we will always use this folder in our examples.

Writing Into a File

Writing into a file is done using the StreamWriter class and a couple of methods:

  • a constructor, that takes a string describing a path as an argument,
  • the WriteLine method, that write its string argument to the file, followed by a new line,
  • the Write method, that write its string argument to the file,
  • the Close method, that closes the file.

Even if we will not go into details about the role of the Close method, it is extremely important and should never be omitted.

As an example, we can create a HelloWorld.txt file containing

Hello World!!
From the StreamWriter class0123456789

using the following code:

      StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filePath);
      sw.WriteLine("Hello World!!");
      sw.Write("From the StreamWriter class");
      for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++)

Reading From a File

Reading from a file is very similar to writing from a file, as we are using a StreamReader class and a couple of methods:

  • a constructor, that takes a string describing a path as an argument,
  • the ReadLine method, that read the current line of the file and move the cursor to the next line,
  • the Close method, that closes the file.

The Close method is similarly important and should never be omitted.

As an example, we can open a file located at filePath and display its content at the screen using:

        string line;
        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filePath);
        line = sr.ReadLine();
        while (line != null)
          line = sr.ReadLine();

What Can Go Wrong?

When manipulating files, many things can go wrong.

What if we are trying to read a file that does not exist?

If the StreamReader constructor is given a path to a file that does not exist, it will raise an exception. We can catch this exception, but a better mechanism is to simply warn the user, using the File.Exists method that return true if its string argument points to a file, false otherwise.

      if (!File.Exists(filePath))
        Console.WriteLine("File does not exist.");

What if we are trying to write into a file that already exist?

A dual problem is if the path we are using as an argument to the StreamWriter constructor points to a file that already exists: by default, that file will be overwritten. An alternative mechanism is to use the overloaded StreamWriter constructor that additionally takes a bool as argument: if the bool is set to true, then the new content will be appended into the existing file instead of overwriting it.

Hence, we can use the following:

StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filePath, true);

with benefits:

  • If the file at filePath already exists, we will append to it (add at its end) instead of overwriting it,
  • If the file at filePath does not exist, it is created.

The previous code

StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filePath);

should be used only if we do not care about existing files.

Many Things Can Go Wrong!

We will not list in detail all the ways things can go wrong with manipulating files (memory shortage, access right limitations, concurrent access to a file, etc.), but read and write access to files should always take place in try-catch blocks.