Imagine that you want to write a method that takes as an argument an array and returns an array of the same type, but with the values reversed. You may write the following code:
public class Helper{
public static int[] Reverse(int[] arrayP)
int[] result = new int[arrayP.Length];
int j = 0;
for (int i = arrayP.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
result[j] = arrayP[i];
return result;
Then, this method could be used as follows:
int[] array1 = {0, 2, 3, 6};
int[] array1reversed = Helper.Reverse(array1);
And then array1reversed
would contain 6, 3, 2, 0.
This method works as intended, but you can use it only with arrays of
integers. If you want to use a similar method with arrays of, say,
, then you need to copy-and-paste the code above and to replace
every occurrence of int
by char
. This is not very efficient, and it
is error-prone.
Generic Types
There is a tool in C# to avoid having to be too specific, and to be
able to tell the compiler that the method will work “with some type”,
called generic type
using the keyword T
. In essence, <T>
is affixed after the name of
the method to signal that the method will additionally require to
instantiate T
with a particular type.
The previous method would become:
public class Helper{
public static T[] Reverse<T>(T[] arrayP)
T[] result = new T[arrayP.Length];
int j = 0;
for (int i = arrayP.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
result[j] = arrayP[i];
return result;
where three occurrences of int[]
were replaced by T[]
, and <T>
additionally added between the name of the method and its parameters.
This method is used as follows:
int[] array1 = {0, 2, 3, 6};
int[] array1reversed = Helper.Reverse<int>(array1);
char[] array2 = {'a', 'b', 'c'};
char[] array2reversed = Helper.Reverse<char>(array2);
In essence, Reverse<int>
tells C# that Reverse
will be used with T
being int
(not int[]
, as the method uses T[]
for its argument and
return type). Note that to use the same method with char
, we simply
use Reverse<char>
, and then we provide an array of char
parameters, and obtain an array of char
in return.
Implicitly Typed Local Variables
Sometimes, the body of the method needs to declare variable with the
same type as T
. Indeed, imagine, for example, that we want to add to
our Helper
class a method that returns a string
description of an
array. We can write the following:
public static string Description(int[] arrayP)
string returned = "";
foreach (int element in arrayP)
returned += element + " ";
return returned;
but this method is specific to arrays of int
, and we would have to
write another one for char
, for example. Making the header generic is
“easy”, as we can use, as before:
public static string Description<T>(T[] arrayP)
but the body is problematic: what should be the type of the element
variable in the header of the foreach
? We cannot simply use T
, but
we can use implicitly typed variable. This technique, that uses the
keyword var
essentially tells C# to … figure out the type of the
variable. In that case, since C# knows the type of the array you are
passing, it can easily infer the type of its elements.
We can then rewrite the previous method as follows:
public static string Description<T>(T[] arrayP)
string returned = "";
foreach (var element in arrayP)
returned += element + " ";
return returned;
and use it with
for example.