This guide explains how this resource is organized, how it is built and deployed, and how to maintain this resource. It is intended to be comprehensive, but should most likely be read only after having read our contributing and UCA guides.

Resources Organization Overview

Folders and Files

The source code repository’s main branch is organized as follows:

.github/github templates and configuration for github actions
misc/resources that need to be either integrated into the resource, or discarded
source/source for the material
licence.mdlicense file
readme.mdpresentation of the repository

The source/ folder contains the following:

code/code examples (snippets and projects)
docs/additional helpful documentation
fonts/the fonts (redistributed with permission) used by this resource
img/images, sometimes with their LaTeX source code
labs/lab exercises
lectures/lecture notes
templates/templates and filters used for building this resource
vid/video files
Makefilemakefile used to compile this resource
index.mdwebsite index page
orderfile used to specify the order on the website’s menu and the book

Building and Deploying

The content is built and deployed in two phases:

  • Running make all in the source/ folder will create a content/ folder at root level containing:
    • one .md file per .md file in the source/ folder (in the same location: source/labs/ is compiled to content/labs/, resulting from pandoc’s conversion,
    • one .pdf, .odt and .docx file per .md file (with the exception of the files) in the source/ folder (in the same location: source/labs/ is compiled to content/labs/If.pdf), resulting from pandoc’s conversion,
    • some files from the img/, slides/ and vid/ folders, copied selectively (for example, only the .jpeg, .png, .pdf, .svg and .gif files are copied from the img/ folder),
    • the .woff and .woff2 files copied from the fonts/ folders,
    • a code/projects/ folder containing, for each Program.cs file contained in a source/code/projects/x/y, a archive containing a C# project including Program.cs along with some (optional) class file,
    • a web-order.ts file, compiled from the source/order file, that fixes the order used by the website in the menu,
    • a book.html, a book.pdf, a book.html and a book.docx file resulting from pandoc’s conversion of the .md files contained in the SOURCE_BOOK’s makefile variable (containing all the .md files in the source/docs/ and source/lectures/, in the order fixed by the order file).
  • Then, using the files in the generated content/ folder, a website is built using quartz and deployed to This is achieved mainly thanks to the .github/workflows/build_and_deploy.yaml file and github’s actions.

Tools, Briefly

This resource is mainly developed and powered using

But note that knowing git and markdown are enough to contribute on-line through the github repository.

While most of those tools are standard (with the exception of quartz, but it relies itself on the standard Node and npm technologies), we acknowledge that

  1. It is challenging to understand that many different technologies,
  2. We should strive to welcome contributions from collaborators not familiar with them,
  3. Our set-up is unique in some respects.

This guide tries to alleviate some challenges resulting from this overall unique and diverse resource organization. For more details about our tools, please refer to the Installing dependencies and Repository Maintenance sections.

Locating Resources

To obtain the latest version of this resource, you can either

This resource is an extension of, please refer to their user guide for more information about it.

Editing Resources

If you are new to this project, first read through Contributing Guidelines to learn how you can contribute to the improvement of this resource, and if applicable, how to join a contributing team.

Best practices for all forms of content


Follow the IT Inclusive Language Guide from the University of Washington:

use gender-neutral terms; avoid ableist language; focus on people not disabilities or circumstances; avoid generalizations about people, regions, cultures and countries; and avoid slang, idioms, metaphors and other words with layers of meaning and a negative history.

Typically, we recommend using

  • “unethical hacker” instead of “black hat”,
  • “main” instead of “master”,
  • “blank space” instead of “white space”,
  • “display on the screen” instead of “printing”, -etc.

In doubt, please start by referring to this list of problematic words and phrases.

Structure for accessibility

  • All resources are titled
    • title each markdown document by having one (and only one) title at top level (that is, using #),
    • use subtitles when appropriate,
    • title all images with a descriptive title and add an alt-tag,
    • title all code blocks in labs and lecture notes.
  • All resources are labelled when applicable, see content labelling for more details

Resources to assess accessibility:


Text documents are written using standard markdown syntax. More precisely,

Because of the way the markdown is processed, please refrain from using the and characters: pandoc will automatically convert " into language-appropriate quotes for us.


  • Images belong in source/img/ directory.
  • Explain the image in written form.
  • Title each image, this will create a URL for the image and enables linking to it.
  • Always include a descriptive alt tag for accessibility.
  • Do not rely on everyone seeing colors the same way.
  • Prefer scalable vector images.
  • When referring to images in markdown, use path from root, see example below

Syntax example. The quoted text is the alt tag and in parentheses is path to file

!["image of visual studio IDE"](./img/vs_ide.jpg){ width=80% }

The { width=80% } attribute is optional.

Images generated by LaTeX

Some images are generated by LaTeX: the .tex file is what is used to generate the .pdf file, and then pdf2svg converts the .pdf into a .svg file. The .svg files are used in the .html, .odt and .docx documents, while the .pdf is used in the .pdf documents. The resulting images are added to the repository so that there is no need to re-compile them every time, or to set-up LaTeX and latexmk on each system.

UML class diagrams

The UML class diagrams are created using Mermaid and located in source/uml. To create a new class diagram, say for a Documentation class, follow those steps:

  1. Create a Documentation.txt file in source/uml that follows the syntax for class diagrams (note that there is no need to add classDiagram at the beginning, it will be done automatically),
  2. Run (from the source/ folder) make uml/,
  3. Integrate the resulting drawing, properly captioned and with a link to your Documentation.txt file (for visually impaired readers, or to facilitate automatic processing) using !include uml/

Source code

  • Source code programs belong in source/code/ directory.
  • The code included in this directory should either be:
    • Placed in the snippets/ sub-folder, and be a complete program.

    • Placed in the projects/<solution>/<project>/ sub-folder, and contains a Program.cs file:

      • Go to source/code/projets/,
      • Create a subdirectory with the name of the solution you would like to use,
      • Create a subdirectory with the name of the project you would like to use,
      • Create a file called Program.cs in
      • If you want to add additional classes, add them in code/projects/<solution>/<project>/<Class>.cs files.

      Do not add solution (sln) or project (csproj) files: they will be created automatically using the project and solution’s name you specified (and a makefile rule similar to this one), if multiple classes are present they will all be linked, and the resulting archive will be hosted at content/code/projects/<solution>.zip.

  • Source code that is faulty, partial, or does not terminate can be included in markdown as inline code block.

Code snippets can be included in markdown documents using pandoc-include filter:

    !include code/sample.cs

Note that for an unknown reason, no special characters (such as _) should be used in the filenames.

  • Title each source code block included in markdown, this will create a URL for the code block and enables linking to it.

  • code blocks are by default annotated as csharp

    • syntax highlighting is applied automatically at build time based on the code block language
    • to use a language other than C#, specify the language locally in the specific code block:
      This will be treated as plain text without highlighting
  • only include code in text form such that it can be copy-pasted for reuse

  • make sure to include blank lines before and after code blocks, since the absence of these can cause the code block to display incorrectly.

Tidying Source code

CSharpier is used to tidy the source code and make it uniform. Use

make tidy

to tidy all the source code present in the source/code/ folders. The configuration file is at source/code/csharpierrc.yaml.

Creating new lectures

Lecture notes belong to the source/lectures/ directory.

To create a new lecture, for instance on exception handling:

  1. Create a directory corresponding to the theme if it does not exist already (say, exceptions), under source/lectures/ directory

    • Follow the existing pattern for naming convention which is lowercase and separation by underscores.

    • At the root of this folder, create an file (so, at source/lectures/exceptions/ containing

      title: Desired Title for Theme

      so that your theme will be labeled “Desired Title for Theme” on the website’s menu (see content labelling on how to further label it).

  2. Under the directory corresponding to your theme, create a file named after the lecture’s title (e.g., in lowercase. Write lecture notes in this file using markdown.

  3. Edit the source/order file and insert where appropriate

    • ./lectures/exception/ (if you created a folder called exception),
    • ./lectures/exception/ (which must be between ./lectures/exception/ and the next ./lectures/xyz/ folder).

    This last step will insure that your lecture is 1. included in the book, 2. sorted correctly on the website’s menu (the default ordering is alphabetical).

If the lecture does not appear, here are the steps for troubleshooting the issue:

  1. Check that after committing changes, the automated build has completed successfully, by checking the workflows,
  2. The newly created lecture is under the subdirectory you picked in the source/lectures/ directory,
  3. The .md file exists,
  4. Hard refresh the browser page if viewing the resources website

Known issues: When concatenating files pandoc may or may not include empty spaces between individual files. This may cause the subsequent lecture title to not appear in the generated book. For this reason, each lecture file should end with a newline.

Creating new labs

The process is very close to the process to create a new lecture, with the following exceptions:

  • All lab resources are located under source/labs/ directory, at root level (there is no “theme” sub-folder).
  • You do not need to edit the source/order file, since labs are not included in the book nor sorted on the website.

Additionally, remember to:

  1. Choose a short and unique name that describes the lab (say,
    • follow the existing convention for naming,
    • do not number labs or make assumptions about numbering because another instructor may not follow the exact same lab order,
    • make the lab standalone to support alternative ordering (avoid assumptions about what was done “last time”),
    • do not make assumptions about student using specific OS, include instructions for all supported options (Windows, MacOS, Linux),
    • do not make assumptions about student using Visual Studio, refer to IDE instead.
  2. (optional) You can add a downloadable project (use a link of the form [the Rectangle project](./code/projects/ or include snippets of code by following our instructions to add source code.

Using this established build system generates labs that are cross-platform (Windows, MacOS, Linux) and work on different IDEs (this process is documented in the corresponding repository). Do not attempt to create labs locally as that approach does not have the same cross-platform guarantee.

Content Labelling


Quartz support a powerful tagging system which should be leveraged. Markdown files can contain at their very top a YAML metadata block containing, e.g.

- Resource

to “tag” this resource with “Resource” so that it will appears in the tag listing. To include multiple tags, simply make a list:

- Resource
- Guide


We will follow the guidance provided on this page:

  • Use as Few Tags as Possible
  • Limit Yourself to a Self-Defined Set of Tags
  • Tags Within Your Set Must Not Overlap
  • By Convention, Tags Are in Plural
  • Tags Lower Case
  • Tags Are Single Words
  • Keep Tags on a General Level
  • Omit Tags That Are Obvious
  • Use One Tag Language
  • Explain Your Tags

Styling and Templating

Templating files are under source/templates/ directory. Templates directory contain layout files that are applied by pandoc when resources are built: note that the website’s style uses a completely different mechanism.

For maintainability reasons it is preferable to apply templates during build time. This strategy makes it easy to edit templates later and apply those changes across all resources. Avoid applying templating to individual resource files whenever possible.

Currently templates directory contains the following:

  • docx/ - contains template used to produce .docx files (this template is not used yet, for size issues).
  • filters/ - contains pandoc filters for annotating code blocks, configured to default to C#, which then allows applying syntax highlighting to all code block.
  • html/ - contains template used to produce only the book.html file (to edit the style of the website, refer to editing website)
  • latex - contains templates used to produce .pdf files,
  • docx/ - contains template used to produce .odt files.

Updating docx template

Note that this template is not used yet, for (among other) size issues.

To edit this template, start by obtaining the default template file:

pandoc -o custom-reference.docx --print-default-data-file reference.docx

Then, open reference.docx, and, following loosely this tutorial, do:

  • Click pretty much anywhere, and right-click on the highlighted style (displayed if you are under “Home”, you may need to scroll down the styles),
  • Change the font for everything but the source code,
  • Click on the “Block code”, then right-click on the highlighted style, and select the font for the source code,
  • The font for “Verbatim Char” was also changed, but I am not sure if this has an impact,
  • Make sure the fonts are embedded,
  • Save and close the document.

This was inspired by this post but does not seem to work properly.

Updating odt template

First, output the default template file:

pandoc -o custom-reference.odt --print-default-data-file reference.odt

Then, open reference.odt, and, following loosely this tutorial, do:

  • Click on View, then Styles.
  • Right-click on “Preformatted Text”, click on “Modify…”, and then select the desired font family for source code.
  • In the dialog or sidebar which opens make sure the button in the top panel marked with ¶ is highlighted (it is very subtle).
  • In the menu at the bottom of the dialog/sidebar choose Applied Styles. Only “Default Paragraph Style” and “Footer” should appear.
  • Right-click on “Default Paragraph Style”, click on “Modify…”, and then select the desired font family for the rest of the text.
  • Then, highlight the A next to ¶.
  • Right-click on “Source_Text”, click on “Modify…”, and then select the desired font family for source code.
  • Click on File, then Properties, then on the Font tab, click on “Embed fonts in the document”.
  • Save and close the document.

Building locally

It is generally not necessary to build this resource locally unless the intent is to preview templating changes or to make changes to build scripts. For the purposes of editing content, it is sufficient to make edits to markdown files and commit those changes.

Installing dependencies

To find the current list of dependencies needed to build this resource, refer to the build and deploy script install section. The exact installation steps vary depending on your local operating system.

In general the following dependencies are needed:

For this later, note that starting with version 11, the licence is too restrictive for non-personal use. As a consequence, users are asked to make sure they do not use a version greater than v.10.24, which is “free for any use” and archived on-line (curious users can also refer to the related webpage). Note that installing this dependency using a unix-like package manager will result in installing a version of the font that is free to use in any context.

You can make sure you are currently using the latest version of panflute by running

pip install -U panflute

This is needed if running a recent version of pandoc (as of pandoc at least).

Running the build

⚠ Warning
Running make all can be very resource-incentive and may render your system unstable. Read this section entirely before running any command.

Testing the installation

After installing all dependencies, from the source/ folder, run:


to display a list of useful rules.

It is recommended to first run a command building simple documents or copying files to test your installation, such as

make ../content/docs/about/
make ../content/docs/about/credits.pdf
make ../content/docs/about/credits.odt
make ../content/docs/about/credits.docx
make ../content/code/projects/
make ../content/web-order.ts
make ../content/img/create_project_monodevelop.png
make ../content/fonts/hack/hack-italic-subset.woff

If this was successful, you can compile the resources needed for the website using

make build-light

Building all resources

You can run

make -l 2.5 -j$(nproc --ignore=2) all

to create and populate the content/ folder at root level with all the resources compiled. Note that this command limits the number of jobs in parallel and the number of CPU used (using this trick), but that tweaking those values may be needed to find the sweet spot on your own machine.

If you want to speed-up the compilation time, you can run

make fetch

which will fetch the latest build output, extract it and populate the content/ folder using its content. Due to make’s unique feature only the files whose source was edited will be re-created when executing make all the next time, hence saving a lot of time. However, please not that files moved or deleted will still be present in the build.


Editing the website

The website is built from the .md files contained in the content/ folder using a dedicated branch of quartz. To edit the layout, style, or other features such as the footer, please start by checking out the quartz branch (using git checkout quartz), and then

A couple of indications about the edits made to quartz:

  • The favicon at quartz/static/, and have been generated using
  • The order in the menu is constructed using the content/web-order.ts file, itself generated from the source/order file in the main branch: refer to the makefile (again, in the main branch) for explanations on how this file is created, to the quartz documentation for the main inspiration, and to the quartz.layout.ts and sortFn.ts files for the concrete implementation. If you change the order, setting
useSavedState: true, // To debug the explorer, change to "false" (this way, the menu is not cached / permanent), 

to false in the quartz/components/Explorer.tsx file may help in refreshing the menu more easily.

  • Other files edited or created include:
    • The files


      list alternative formats at the top of the page,

    • The files


      customize the footer and add a link to our repository feedback (while following the selected style),

    • quartz/styles/base.scss loads a different set of fonts,

    • The files


      tweak the menu and layout,

    • quartz.config.ts sets meta-data about the website,

    • quartz/components/pages/404.tsx customizes the 404 error message,

    • quartz/plugins/emitters/assets.ts emits the .md files (they are not available by default),

    • quartz/components/index.ts ties it all together.

Refer to Generate the git patch for instruction on how to generate a patch containing all the edits performed to our local copy of quartz.

Deploying locally the website

Follow closely those steps:

  • Build the resource locally (note that running make build-light is enough to deploy the website).

  • Move to the quartz branch by running

    git checkout quartz 

    Note that the content/ folder is still here, but that the source is absent from this branch: only files related to quartz are committed in this branch.

  • Rename the content/ file (this is due to an annoying bug) by running

mv content/ content/
  • Follow quartz’s instructions:

    • If you don’t have at least Node v18.14 and npm v9.3.1, install node and npm (npm is probably installed automatically when you install node),
    • Run the following commands at root level (do not enter the quartz/ folder):
    npm i
    npx quartz create

    for this last command, select

    │ ● Empty Quartz


    │ ● Treat links as shortest path ((default))

    • If the previous command succeeded, run
    mv content/ content/

    to restore our index file, then

    npx quartz build --serve

    to start the server. Then, navigate to localhost:8080/ to see the website deployed locally.

Updating quartz

Our local copy of quartz, in the quartz branch, is “frozen” in the sense that it corresponds to the development of quartz at a point of time. It is possible to

  1. Save the edits made to our local copy (as a git patch),
  2. Pull the current version of quartz in a different branch (called quartz-update),
  3. Apply our edits to this updated version of quartz,
  4. Replace the quartz branch with the quartz-update branch to deploy the updated version of quartz with our edits.

This process is not without risks and requires to be able to deploy locally the website to test it before deploying it. The following guide was inspired by this discussion.

Generate the git patch

The first step is to save as a git patch all the edits that have been made on our local copy of quartz since it was last updated.

  • Make sure you are

    1. At root level in your repository’s copy,
    2. In the quartz branch,
    3. That your branch is up-to-date.

    by running a command such as

    pwd && git checkout quartz && git pull
  • Locate the commit (short) id of the last commit performed by quartz maintainer. A way of achieving this is to look for “PCP” in the commit messages, using

    git rev-parse --short :/PCP

    and then to look for the commit id of the commit that came before it. For instance, if the previous command returns 847e3356, then the command

    git rev-parse --short 847e3356^1

    will return information about the commit that came before that last commit: we will assume its (short) id is 3b74453f in the following.

    Visual inspection using github’s interface or a program such as gitk can facilitate this process. Note that removing the --short option will give the long version of the id, which may be harder to compare.

  • Use the (short) id previously obtained to generate a patch containing all the changes made since that commit:

    git diff-index 3b74453f --binary > pcp_quartz_patch

    The --binary option insures that any file created will be included in the patch: as a result, this file can be heavy.

  • Make sure this pcp_quartz_patch file is located at the root level in your repository’s copy but do not commit it to the repository.

Clone the latest version of quartz

Execute the following commands:

git remote add quartz
git fetch quartz
git checkout -b quartz-update quartz/v4

where quartz-update is the name we use for our branch, and quartz/v4 is the name of the branch in the quartz repository we want to copy.

Apply the git patch

There are two ways of applying the patch. First, make sure you are in the quartz-update branch by executing

git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD

Then follows the first method if possible.

Using apply

First, check if the pcp_quartz_patch patch is applicable, by executing

git apply --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace --check --reject pcp_quartz_patch

Some sections of the patch may be rejected: make sure you take note of which file will need to be merged by hand. Then, apply the patch, using

git apply --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace --reject pcp_quartz_patch

Then look for the .rej files: they will contain the edited version of a file that you will need to merge manually with the updated version of the same file from quartz’s update.

Using patch

If git apply gave an error starting with

Checking patch quartz.layout.ts...
error: while searching for:

then, instead, do

patch -p1 < pcp_quartz_patch

And look for the .rej files as described above. Note that using this technique requires to copy the binary files by hand. Indeed, you should receive warning messages like

File quartz/static/android-chrome-192x192.png: git binary diffs are not supported.

and those files will have to be copied by hand from another branch, and / or re-added to the repository.


Once you are done manually merging, test your updated version by deploying locally the website and making sure that quartz does not return any error. If everything looks ok, add all the new files and commit the edits using a message containing the “PCP” string (to facilitate future generation of git patch), and push, using for example:

  • First, use bash git add --all -n . to list all the files you are about to add: make sure you are not adding files from the content/ folder, for instance. If everything looks fine, proceed to the next step.

  • Then, actually add the files, commit, and push, using:

    git add --all
    git commit -a -m "Applying previous PCP patch."
    git push origin quartz-update

Update the branch

If you were able to fix all the conflicts and to check that the website could still be deployed locally, then overwrite the quartz branch with the quartz-update branch, by executing:

# Make sure your working tree is in a clean state
git status
# Check out the branch you want to change, e.g. some-branch
git checkout quartz
# Reset that branch to some other branch/commit, e.g. target-branch
git reset --hard quartz-update

If the deployment was successful and everything seems to be working, you can delete the quartz-update branch, locally then remotely, by executing

git branch -D quartz-update
git push -d origin quartz-update

Repository Maintenance

This repository uses following tools and technologies:

  • git - version control
  • Github - to make source code available on the web
  • markdown, LaTeX - for writing the resources
  • pandoc - for converting documents to various output formats
  • make - for specifying how to build this resource
  • github actions - to automatically build the resource
  • github pages - to serve the accompanying website
  • additional packages for specific tasks: texlive, Pygments, pandoc filters, lua filter, etc.
  • fonts-symbola - to produce the emoji and other symbols in the pdf document.
  • - for feedback through website
  • csharpier - to tidy the C# source code

Build outputs

The resource material is organized into specific directories inside the source/ folder. These resources are then compiled into templated documents in various formats using pandoc. The makefile explains the exact steps applied to each type of resource.

Github actions

This resource is built automatically every time changes concerning files in the source/ folder are committed to the main branch of the repository. This is configured to run on Github actions. The workflow that is automatically triggered has two jobs: one to build the resource, and one to deploy it.

Currently Github actions offers unlimited free build minutes for public repositories (and 2000 min/mo. for private repositories, should we ever need them), which hopefully continues in perpetuity (if it does not there are other alternative services). Going with one specific CI service over another is simply a matter of preference.

Following a successful build, the build script will automatically deploy the generated resources to an accompanying website hosted on github pages.

Fetch and No Fetch Versions

There is a second workflow that is identical to the first one with one important exception: to speed up compilation, build_and_deploy.yaml uses make fetch to speed up compilation time by re-downloading the latest build output, and then compiling only the required files. This can sometimes complicate the propagation of changes, typically if a template is modified (as this does not triggers a re-compilation of the files using it currently) or if a file is renamed (as the previous version will not be deleted).

The build_and_deploy_no_fetch.yaml can be triggered manually to force a “fresh” remote compilation.

Creating releases

Currently a github action is setup to do the following: whenever a new commit is made to the main branch, the action will build the resource and add the generated resources as a pre-release and tag them as “latest”. If a subsequent commit occurs it will overwrite the previous latest files and become the new latest version. This cycle continues until maintainers are ready to make a versioned release (or “package”).

Making a versioned release is done as follows:

  1. Go to repository releases
  2. Choose latest, which contains the files of the latest build
  3. Edit this release, giving it a semantic name and a version, such as v1.0.0. Name and version can be the same. (cf. semantic versioning)
  4. Enter release notes to explain what changed since last release
  5. Uncheck “This is a pre-release”
  6. Check “Set as the latest release”
  7. Update release

Following these steps will generate a new, versioned release. The versioned releases will be manually uploaded to and archived on galileo.

Once this is done, remember to create the next pre-release:

  1. Go to the repository releases.
  2. Click on “Draft a new release”.
  3. Pick the tag “Latest”.
  4. Click on “Generate release notes”
  5. Check “This is a pre-release”
  6. Click on “Publish release”

Maintaining repository feedback

Resource users can submit feedback about the resource through various means, one of which is leaving comments on the website. This feature is enabled by, using repositories hosted by the princomp github organization.

To manage user feedback over time, a semester-specific repository is created for issues only. This must be a public repository and located under the same organization as the resources repository. widget is configured to point to this repository. After a semester is over, this feedback repository will be archived, and a new one created for the next semester. This will simultaneously archive all older issues and reset the feedback across website pages.

Migrating feedback repository

The steps for migrating feedback target repository are as follows:

  1. Create a new public repository under princomp github organization. Follow the established naming convention (feedback-<fall|spring|summer>-<YYYY>), and leave all the options except for visibility (which needs to be set to public) by default.

  2. Go to repository Issues (make sure issues is enabled in repository settings).

  3. Create a new label whose label name is comment (to match widget configuration as indicated in quartz/components/Footer.tsx, in the quartz branch).

  4. Go to Organization Settings > Installed GitHub Apps.

  5. Choose “utterances” > “configure”

  6. Under “Repository access” > “Only select repositories”

    • Select the repository created in step 1.
    • Remove the previous semester feedback repository.
    • Save.
  7. In princomp/ repository, in the quartz branch, open quartz/components/Footer.tsx

  8. Update widget code to point to the new feedback repository created in step 1.

    <script data-external="1"
            label="comment" …>
  9. Commit change to quartz/components/Footer.tsx

  10. Make sure the feedback works after migration. If it does not, retrace your steps.

  11. Archive the earlier feedback repository in its settings.

Maintaining Instructors / G/UCA rights

This is handled by the csci-1301 github organization and documented at