Below are the rubrics used to grade each phase of the “Character creation” project. It is advised to use these rubrics as a way to check your work, along with the solution for the corresponding phase.

Phase 1

Incorrect filename (, not for instance)-0.5pt
Incorrect file (archive zipped, not just the .cs file)-0.5pt (if the student did not share their .cs code at all, then your grading ends here)
Name and date in a delimited comment not at the very beginning of their code-1pt (If they forgot the date, their name, if the comment is in-line, that is // and not /* ... */, or if it is not the very first thing in the file, they get only -0.5pt. If they made multiple mistakes (eg, only their name, in the main method), they get -1pt)
If the program does not compileStop here. No points.
Correctly declared the attributes+1pt
Correctly implemeted the getters+1pt
Correctly implemented the setters (Aside from SetHitPts)+1pt
Correctly implemetented the SetHitPts and LevelUp+1pt (0.5pt per method)
Correctly implemented a ToString+1pt
Correctly implemetented the empty and populated Constructors+1pt (0.5pt per method)
Total (with Bonus)6

Additional Info

  • For all the getters, setters, and attributes, every error is -0.5pt, with more than one error meaning 0pts in that section. (Do NOT give quarter points)
  • For every attribute with an improper name or datatype, take 0.5pt off the 1pt (that is, 2 mistakes result in a 0)
  • If the getter or setters are correct w.r.t. the name / datatype of the attribute as implemented by the student, please do not take points off.
  • Any ToString is considered valid, as long as it compiles and returns a string.

Phase 2

Incorrect filename (, not for instance)-0.5pt
Incorrect file (archive zipped, not just the .cs file)-0.5pt (if the student did not share their .cs code at all, then your grading ends here)
Name and date in a delimited comment not at the very beginning of their code-1pt (If they forgot the date, their name, if the comment is in-line, that is // and not /* ... */, or if it is not the very first thing in the file, they get only -0.5pt. If they made multiple mistakes (eg, only their name, in the main method), they get -1pt)
If the program does not compileStop here. No points.
Correct empty constructor+1pt (-0.5pt per error)
Correct populated constructor+1pt (-0.5pt per error)
Collects name+0.5pt
Collects race (must be Human, Elf, Orc, Dragonborn, Tiefling)+1pt (-0.5pt if case sensitive, -0.5pt if mostly correct condition, -1pt otherwise (including no validation), -0.5pt per any other error)
Collects gender (must be (M)ale, (F)emale, (O)ther, (H)ermaphroditic)+1.5pt (-0.5pt if case sensitive, -0.5pt if mostly correct condition, -1pt otherwise (including no validation), -0.5pt per any other error)
Collects level (between 0 and 30, inclusive)+1pt (-0.5pt if exclusive, -0.5pt if mostly correct condition, -1pt otherwise (including no validation), -0.5pt per any other error)
Bonus: Tieflings can only be hermaphroditic+0.5pt (no points if anything wrong)
Bonus: Always store gender as uppercase+0.5pt (no points if anything wrong)
If Character is not created after collecting values-0.5pt
Total (with Bonus)7

Phase 3

Incorrect filename (, not for instance)-0.5pt
Incorrect file (archive zipped, not just the .cs file)-0.5pt (if the student did not share their .cs code at all, then your grading ends here)
Name and date in a delimited comment not at the very beginning of their code-0.5pt (If they forgot the date, their name, if the comment is in-line, that is // and not /* ... */, or if it is not the very first thing in the file, they get only -0.5pt)
If the program does not compileStop here. No points.
Creates stats array and role attributes+0.5pt (No deduction if no array is used, any mistake is -0.5pt for this section
Modified ToString to include charclass (and job for bonus)+0.5pt (no deductions if job is missing, -0.5pt if class is missing)
AssignStats method+2pts (see below for in-depth deductions)
SetRole method+2pts (see below for in-depth deductions)
Dice rolls are generated and assigned to int array+1pt (-0.5pt if array is not used, -0.5pt if random is not used or if used incorrectly, -0.5pt if bounds on random is incorrect)
SetJob method+2pts (see below for in-depth deductions)
Modify dice rolls to be 4d6 best 3 of 4+1pt
Total (with Bonus)9 (Max Points is 8, even if all bonus points are completed)

Additional Info

  • AssignStats
    • -0.5pt per error in decision structure
    • -0.5pt if no input validation
    • -0.5pt if you can overwrite previous stat assignments
  • SetRole
    • -0.5pt if no array is used to store possible classes
    • -0.5pt per error in conditions
    • -0.5pt if able to select class I shouldn’t be able to
    • -0.5pt if no validation
    • -1pt if multiclasses are significantly broken
  • SetJob
    • -0.5pt if no array is used to store possible jobs
    • -0.5pt per error in conditions
    • -0.5pt if able to select class I shouldn’t be able to
    • -0.5pt if no validation