This project is designed to teach you how to interpret and implement a
simple UML specification involving multiple classes. It involves
inheritance, polymorphism, properties, exception handling and String
In short
Develop multiple classes to organize the evaluations for courses.
Evaluations can be of different natures (project, in-class exam, finale
exam), have different weights and be marked as optional. However,
evaluations of different natures also have different attributes and
methods: for example, only projects have a submission link, and only
exams have a room.
In more details
We want to implement the classes pictured in the UML diagram (you can
zoom in or, in your browser, right click and select “Open Image in New
Tab”, or access its text version).
Remembering that:
Static methods are u͟n͟d͟e͟r͟l͟i͟n͟e͟d͟,
Abstract methods are in italics.
Your code should be such that the following:
should display (something along the lines of)
Pay attention to details in the code above. For example, your code
should be such that:
An exception will be raised if the url for the project’s submission
link does not start with “”,
For exams (in-class or finale exam), the room should be displayed if
it is provided, otherwise, “Same as class meeting room.” should be
displayed if the exam in in-class, and “Check the Registrar’s exam
schedules for” (followed by the course property) should be displayed
if the exam is the final exam,
For all string attributes and properties, null or empty strings
should not make the program crash,
The staticIntegrityTest method should take as input a list of
evaluations, and returns true if all the evaluations belong to the
same course and the weights of the evaluations that are not bonuses
adds to 1, false if the evaluations all belong to the same course
but the weights of the evaluations that are not bonuses do not add to
1, and raise an exception otherwise,
Final and InClass do not have ToString() methods, and yet
displaying information about them still return information about the
Please, follow our guideline on project
submission. In
particular, make sure you write your name and the date in a delimited
comment at the beginning of your file.
This project is already challenging as is, but bonus will be given if:
(easy) Except in the Evaluation class, make it so that the
GetContact() methods cannot be overridden,
(medium) Your Main method exhibits many test cases and illustrates
your classes’ features nicely,
(hard) A mechanism is implemented to either export the attributes of
an Evaluation object into a file or to load it from a file.