Welcome to the course resources website to teach principles of computer programming using C#. You can either:

  • Navigate on this website, by
  • Download our book containing some documentation and all of our lecture notes in multiple formats:
    • HTML - to read from your browser, convenient for phones as well, and lightweight.
    • PDF - to print and archive.
    • ODT - to edit (using e.g., libreoffice) and archive.
    • DOCX - to edit (using e.g., Microsoft Office) and archive.

Note that on most pages, on the right below the title, there are links to download the current webpage in md, pdf, odt and docx as well as a link to its source code: your contributions will be welcome!

⚠ Warning
As of Spring 2025, this resource is (still) under active (re)development. Please, refer to the CSCI-1301 website if you are looking for stable(r) resources on programming for C#.