Variables and values can have multiple roles, but it is useful to mention three different roles in the context of loops:

Variable that is incremented every time a given event occurs.

int i = 0; // i is a counter
while (i < 10){

Sentinel Value
A special value that signals that the loop needs to end.

Console.WriteLine("Give me a string.");
string ans = Console.ReadLine();
while (ans != "Quit") // The sentinel value is "Quit".
    Console.WriteLine("Enter \"Quit\" to quit, or anything else to continue.");
    ans = Console.ReadLine();

Variable used to keep the total of several values.

int i = 0, total = 0;
while (i < 10){
    total += i; // total is the accumulator.
Console.WriteLine($"The sum from 0 to {i} is {total}.");

We can have an accumulator and a sentinel value at the same time:

Console.WriteLine("Enter a number to sum, or \"Done\" to stop and print the total.");
string enter = Console.ReadLine();
int sum = 0;
while (enter != "Done")
    sum += int.Parse(enter);
    Console.WriteLine("Enter a number to sum, or \"Done\" to stop and print the total.");
    enter = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine($"Your total is {sum}.");

You can have counter, accumulator and sentinel values at the same time:

int a = 0;
int sum = 0;
int counter = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Enter an integer, or N to quit.");
string entered = Console.ReadLine();
while (entered != "N") // Sentinel value
    a = int.Parse(entered);
    sum += a; // Accumulator
    Console.WriteLine("Enter an integer, or N to quit.");
    entered = Console.ReadLine();
    counter++; // counter
Console.WriteLine($"The average is {sum / (double)counter}");

We can distinguish between three “flavors” of loops (that are not mutually exclusive):

Sentinel controlled loop
The exit condition tests if a variable has (or is different from) a specific value.

User controlled loop
The number of iterations depends on the user.

Count controlled loop
The number of iterations depends on a counter.

Note that a user-controlled loop can be sentinel-controlled (that is the example we just saw), but also count-controlled (“Give me a value, and I will iterate a task that many times”).