Warm-up Exercises


  1. Give two examples of instant messaging applications.


    Teams, Facebook messenger, Whatsapp, ICQ, skype, zoom, Discord, …

  2. How many bits are in one byte?


    8 bits

  3. Why are “ancient” programming languages like COBOL and FORTRAN still in use?


    Many banking systems still rely on COBOL in the current day.

#: The least significant (rightmost) bit of even numbers in binary representation is 1. ________



#: Commands for managing the IDE and for developing, maintaining and executing programs are contained in the menus, which are located on the menu bar. ________



#: Is the following statement true: 010000 < 001111? ________



#: You can browse the web from within the Visual Studio Community environment. ________



#: Visual Studio Enterprise can be used to create apps only in C#. ________



#: High-level computer languages are easily understood by a computer without any need of translation. ________



#: An assembler converts assembly language programs into machine language. ________



#: Is the role of CPU to govern computing devices and processes? ________



#: Was Windows system developed in sixties? ________



#: Do console applications provide visual environment? ________



  1. Computers process data, using sets of instructions called …
  • specifications
  • computer programs
  • recipes
  • hardware
  1. ______ Law states that every year or two, the computing power of computers doubles without any increase in price.
  • Gate’s
  • Moore’s
  • Henderson’s
  • None of the above.
  1. The main purpose of the AUL unit is: ______.
  • to store permanent data
  • to store temporary data
  • to cool the computer down and prevent overheating
  • to perform calculations and logical comparisons for the computer
  1. Binary code is: ______.
  • a complex, but easy to use, modern programming language
  • a series of 0s and 1s
  • high-level machine language instructions
  • a series of characters representing the numbers 0 to 9
  1. The order of simplicity (easiest to hardest) to a human of the three basic types of languages is: ______.
  • high-level, assembly, machine
  • assembly, machine, high-level
  • machine, high-level, assembly
  • machine, assembly, high-level
  1. Which of the following is true: C# ______.
  • is object oriented
  • contains a powerful class library
  • is not limited to web-based applications
  • all of the above
  1. Visual C# programs are created using Microsoft’s Visual Studio–a collection of software tools called a(n) ______.
  • operating system
  • Integrated Programming Environment
  • Integrated Development Environment
  • Class Library
  1. The purpose of the Visual Studio Enterprise is to ______.
  • create a program
  • run a program
  • debug a program
  • all of the above
  1. This menu contains commands for opening projects, closing projects, printing project data, etc.
  • View menu
  • Edit menu
  • Tools menu
  • File menu
  1. A single line comment in C# begins with which double symbol?
  • **
  • //
  • ##
  • $$
  1. Which method is the starting point of any C# program?
  • Open
  • Main
  • Start
  • none of these.
  1. All statements in C# end with:
  • semicolon
  • colon
  • comma
  • full stop
  1. Violations of language rules are referred to as:
  • semantic errors
  • syntax errors
  • run-time errors
  • none of these
  1. What operator is used to denote remainder (modulo) operation?
  • &
  • %
  • #
  • @
  1. Which of the following is in highest-to-lowest order of operator precedence?
  • multiplication, division, parentheses
  • addition, subtraction, division
  • parentheses, multiplication, addition
  • none of these
  1. In C# code: Console.WriteLine($"Initial value is: {myAccount.GetNumber()}"); which method is called (executed) first?
  • WriteLine()
  • GetNumber()
  • they are called at the same time
  • none of these
  1. Which of these are binary operators?
  • / (division)
  • * (multiplication)
  • + (addition)
  • all of these
  1. You can declare the same variable twice in a C# code.
  • Yes
  • No
  1. It is good to initialize all variables upon their creation (declaration).
  • Yes
  • No
  1. Is = the equality operator in C#?
  • Yes
  • No
  1. Visual C# programs are created using Microsoft’s Visual Studio—a collection of software tools called a(n) _____.
  • Operating system
  • Integrated Programming Environment
  • Integrated Development Environment
  • Class Library.
  1. The starting point of a C# application is the
  • Main
  • Start
  • Open
  • None of the above.
  1. C# statements in C# usually end with:
  • :
  • ;
  • #
  • .
  1. _____ are violations of language rules.
  • Logic errors
  • Syntax errors
  • Run-time errors
  • None of the above.
  1. A variable is:
  • An instruction for the compiler
  • A location in memory where a value is stored
  • A description of a method call (including the argument list)
  • None of the above.
  1. What is an algorithm?
  • The actions (and their order) that solve a particular problem
  • An English description of a problem to be solved
  • The declaration of an object.
  • None of the above.
  1. The order of simplicity (easiest to hardest) to a human of the three basic types of languages is:
  • High-level, machine, assembly
  • Machine, high-level, assembly
  • Assembly, machine, high-level
  • High-level, assembly, machine.
  1. Which of these are binary operators?
  • * (multiplication)
  • + (addition/concatenation)
  • / (division)
  • All of these.
  1. What is the correct order of actions in developing software?
  • Define the problem, develop an algorithm, code a C# program, run tests
  • Code a C# program, develop an algorithm, run tests
  • Code a C# program, run tests, develop an algorithm.
  • Define the problem, run tests, code a C# program.
  1. What is the resulting value of c at the end of the following code segment?
int c = 5;
c *= --c;
  • 25
  • 15
  • 20
  • None of the above
  1. What value will be printed on the output:
int A = 16; int B = 3;
  • 1
  • 5.33
  • -1
  • 5
  1. Some compilers will automatically remove body statements from loops that do not need to be executed multiple times through a process known as _____.
  • Classification
  • Optimization
  • Interpretation
  • None of the above.


  1. Find 3 syntax errors in this short C# code.
int num11 =1;
int num2 ==2;
if num11>-num2) {Console.WriteLine(“Yes”);}
else {Console.WriteLie(“No”);} 


int num11 =1;

int num2 2; // comparison operator cannot be used with variable declaration

if num11>-num2) {Console.WriteLine(“Yes”);} // if condition missing open parenthesis

else {Console.WriteLie(“No”);} // WriteLie is not a method in the Console class, whereas WriteLine is.

  1. What sequence will appear on the output of this C# code? Which parameter of SD(int[] A, int B) method is passed by value?

    using System;
    class Program
        static void SD(int[] A, int B)
            A[2] += A[2];
            B /= B;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int[] A = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
            S(A, A[2]);


    The sequence that appears in the output is 0, 1, 4, 3. The parameter int B is passed by value.

  2. Consider the following code:

for (int y = 1; y <= 3; y++)
    for (int z = 1; z < 5; z++)
        Console.Write("Scene " + y + ", take " + z + ". " );
  • How many times does the outer loop iterate (i.e., how many scenes are shot)?
  • How many times does the inner loop iterates (i.e., how many takes for each scene)?
  • Finally, what is the total number of iteration of the nested loops (i.e., how many takes are made, total)?


3, 4, 12

  1. Mark the pretest loops:

    • do while
    • switch
    • while
    • for
    • if-else-if


    for and while are the pretest loops

  2. Which of the following correctly declares and creates a two-dimensional rectangular array of integers?

    • int[,] sum = new int[10, 40];
    • int[][] sum = new int[25, 43];
    • int sum[] = new int[20, 20];
    • None of the above.
  3. C# supports two types of two-dimensional arrays:

    • quadrilateral and isosceles
    • jagged and rectangular
    • jagged and round
    • None of the above.