1. Why are the instructors sharing most of the material in odt, docx, pdf, html and md?

    • To insure compatibility across operating systems (Android, Linux, Windows, MacOs, …).
    • To make it easier to access the resources in multiple ways (print, screen, etc.)
    • All of the above.
  2. What does “free” software means?

    • That the software has no value.
    • That the users can run the software for any purpose and study its source code.
    • That it is not developed by a company.
    • That the software can be downloaded at no cost.
  3. In your IDE, the shortcut to compile your program is usually…

    • “Build your solution”, ctrl + shift + B or Cmd + B
    • “Save”, ctrl + S or Cmd + S
    • “Exit”, alt + F4 or Cmd + q
    • “Start without debugging”, Ctrl + F5 or Cmd + F5
  4. To share or backup a project, you need to…

    • share the .sln file.
    • share the .cs file.
    • share the .csproj file.
    • zip the folder containing the .sln file and another folder with multiple files and folders in it.
  5. If your IDE returns the message

    Program.cs(21,21): Error CS0117: 'Console' does not contain a definition for 'WiteLine' (CS0117) (Solution)

    This means that…

    • That you misspelled the word “WriteLine”.
    • Your program successfully compiled and is ready to be executed.
    • That the “Console” class does not exist.
    • Your IDE was not properly installed and you should reboot your computer.
  6. Consider the following code:

    int age, defaultChoice = 0;
    decimal averagePrice;

    Which of the following is correct?

    • It contains declaration and initialization statements.
    • It declares variables of two different datatypes.
    • Only the value of defaultChoice is set.
    • All of the above.
  7. Consider the following code:

    int person = 12;
    int pie = 5;
    int piePerPerson = pie / person;
    Console.WriteLine("Each guest gets " + piePerPerson + " pie(s).");

    What will be displayed by it?

    • Nothing: an error will prevent from compiling it successfully.
    • “Each guest gets 2.4 pie(s).”
    • “Each guest gets 0.41666666666666666666666…” (it will never ends, displaying 6 forever).
    • “Each guest gets 0.416666666666667 pie(s).”
    • “Each guest gets 0 pie(s).”
  8. Consider the following statement:

    decimal balance = 2.5M;
    decimal price = 12;
    decimal remainingBalance = balance - price;

    Which of the following is correct?

    • This program will not compile because the result of balance - price is not a decimal.
    • This program will not compile because a decimal cannot be negative.
    • This program will compile.
    • This program will not compile because you cannot store an integer value (12) in a decimal.
  9. The method used to read a string from the user is called…

    • ReadString
    • ReadFrom
    • ReadLine
    • ReadInput
  10. Consider the following program:

    Console.WriteLine("Enter your age.");
    string fromUser = Console.ReadLine();
    int age = _______ (fromUser);

    To correctly be able to store the string in fromUser into age, you should replace _______ with…

    • (int)
    • int.Parse
    • Nothing: as long as the user enters an integer value, we can store it into age just fine.
    • None of the above.
  11. What are, respectively, the return types of a constructor and of a ToString method?

    • Constructors do not have a return type, and a ToString method returns a string.
    • Constructors and ToString methods both return strings.
    • Constructors returns a string, and a ToString method does not return anything (it simply displays a text).
    • It is impossible to know ahead of time, as this depends of the class they are implemented in.
  12. What is the name of a constructor method?

    • Nothing: an error will prevent from compiling it successfully.
    • Whatever the name of the class is.
    • It does not have any.
    • The name of the instance it creates.
    • Constructor
  13. What are the three logical connectives in C# (that we studied)?

    • And (&&), or (||) and negation (!).
    • Equality (==), greater than (>) and less than (<).
    • And (and), or (or) and negation (not).
  14. Which of the following will evaluate to true?

    • 3 > 1 && 2
    • (3 > 1) && 1 != 0
    • !(3 > 1)
    • 3 > 1 || 2
  15. Will the following expression evaluates, and if so, what will it evaluate to?

    true == false || 2 / 1 > 0 && 3 - 1 != 2 * 0.5 + 0.5


    • It will evaluate to a number.
    • It will evaluate to false.
    • It will evaluate to true.
    • It will not evaluate.
    • None of the above.
  16. What will be displayed by the following code?

    int number = 10;
    while (number <= 15)
        Console.Write(number + " ");
    • 12 14 16
    • 10 11 12 13 14 15
    • 10 11 12 13 14
    • 10 12 16
    • 10 12
    • 10 12 14
    • 12+14+16
    • 10+11+12+13+14+15
  17. What will be displayed by the following code?

    int i = 0;
    while(i < 10)
    • 0 followed by a new line, forever.
    • 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    • 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 with a new line between each number
    • Nothing
  18. Consider the following code:

    Console.WriteLine("Enter… something!");
    int answer;
    bool valid = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out answer);
    Console.WriteLine($"returns: {valid}, value:{answer}");

    If the user enters “Train”, then it will display:

    • returns: False, value: 0
    • returns: True, value: 0
    • returns: True, value: Train
    • returns: False, value: Train
    • Nothing: the program will crash.
  19. Consider the following code:

    string answer;
    Console.WriteLine("Enter something");
    answer = Console.ReadLine();
    while (answer != "yes" || answer !="Yes"){
        Console.WriteLine("Enter something");
        answer = Console.ReadLine();

    What can the user enters to exit this loop:

    • There is nothing the user can enter to exit this loop
    • Either “Yes” or “yes”
    • Anything that is different from “Yes” and “yes”
    • Anything
  20. Consider the following code:

    int answer;
    Console.WriteLine("Enter something");
    answer = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
    while (answer > 10 && answer < 100){
        Console.WriteLine("Enter something");
        answer = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

    What can the user enters to exit this loop?

    • Any number not between 10 and 100 (both included)
    • Any number between 10 and 100 (both included)
    • Any number between 10 and 100 (both excluded)
    • Any number not between 10 and 100 (both excluded)
  21. What will be displayed by the following code?

    for (int e = -5; e <= 20; e += 5)
        Console.Write(e + " ");
    • -5 0 5 10 15 20
    • -5 0 5 10 15
    • 0 5 10 15
    • -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    • Nothing
    • 0 5 10 15 20
  22. What will be displayed by the following code?

    int variable = 0;
    for (int e = 1; e <= 5; e += 1)
        variable += e;
    • 15
    • 0
    • Nothing
    • 1 2 3 4 5